Only total abstinence from drug use and no possibility of relapse can be considered a successful result of treatment. There are many methods of drug addiction treatment (electrosleep, massage, aromatherapy, drug therapy, psychological correction, physiotherapy and others), which are selected purely individually, that is, in each specific case. The general procedure of drug addiction treatment includes the following stages:

  • diagnosis;
  • detoxification (withdrawal);
  • rehabilitation;
  • social adaptation;
  • relapse therapy.

The method of drug addiction treatment is chosen by a specialist, taking into account the stage of drug addiction development, physiological characteristics of the patient, the mental state of the person, the reaction to the active components of drugs, the wishes of relatives, etc.

The main principle of drug addiction treatment is the formation of the patient’s desire and readiness to completely refuse to take narcotic substances. In this regard, the effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the right start or the so-called “motivational program”.

It should be noted that it is impossible to get rid of drug addiction on your own, so no entreaties, reproaches, and even more so threats from relatives will not help. If your loved one is addicted to drugs – it is necessary to immediately turn to specialists for help. Experienced psychologists and narcologists will be able to motivate the patient for drug treatment and develop an individual rehabilitation plan.