Opening and opening remarks by key participants

The conference will be started by the moderator, a representative of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. The speaker will share his vision of the drug policy situation in the world. Such important issues as the large number of drug addicts among prisoners will be raised.

After the introductory part, the moderator will present an overview of the global drug situation based on the World Drug Report.

First plenary session: national drug strategy

The first plenary session, which will start at 11am, will feature 6 speakers. This session is titled “National Drug Strategy and Public Health”.

After the plenary discussion, conference participants will be invited to lunch, where they can not only refresh themselves but also socialize in an already more relaxed atmosphere.

Second plenary session: the HIV perspective

The second plenary session will be devoted to the HIV prevention program, as well as treatment and rehabilitation of HIV patients.

Parallel sessions

After a short coffee break, parallel sessions will begin, which will take place simultaneously in different auditoriums and will focus on different issues.

The third session will focus on the availability and control of drugs in the world.

At the end of the first day, a sumptuous buffet awaits all conference participants, where they can further socialize with each other and learn a lot of useful information that will be useful on their professional path.